Part time jobs have become common over the last five decades and a lot of people engage in part time jobs despite having a full time job. The reason usually boils down to economic and financial difficulties. Part time jobs help people incur more and better income especially for those positions in blue-collars.

Today, women and men have been equally admitted and have been equally presented opportunities for work. The positions that women could not do in the past, or at least this was what we believed in, are already available for women today. In the modern day, women’s part-time jobs are very apparent and accessible such as content writing, waiting, manning info desks and the like.
Though anti-discrimination programs and advocacies have been apparent today and women’s part-time jobs have been really accessible, there are still job positions that could not be done by women. This is not a matter of discrimination usually of perception. Below are the jobs that women may not be able to do:
- Physical Demands
- Cultural and Social Norms
- Hostile Work Environment
- Legal Barriers
Physical Demands
Heavy Lifting Jobs requiring significant physical strength, such as construction labor or warehouse work, might be more challenging for some women due to physiological differences. However, many women successfully work in these fields, and advancements in technology and equipment can help mitigate physical barriers.
Cultural and Social Norms
Women empowerment and anti-discrimination are rampant and evident today however, there are still cultures that are stuck in the past and would consider embracing the traditional norm of keeping women as house wives. This is not bad as each culture has its own, however, if you are new in this culture and you are used to an open and promiscuous practice, this would shock you initially until you get used to it.
Hostile Work Environment
Women may avoid part-time jobs in environments known for discrimination or harassment. Ensuring a supportive and inclusive workplace is crucial for encouraging women to enter and thrive in these roles.
It cannot be helped that there are still cultures and countries that are not open to women working. Though the world today has changed a lot and being adaptable to change is important, there are still some that believe tradition is important. It is also essential to respect such belief especially when this has been the countries’ culture.